Thursday, 21 February 2019

Tiger Girl

Real Name: Shen An
Membership: Alliance of Awesomeness
Relatives: none known
Place of Birth: Anshun, China
Base of Operations: Ironhaven, USA
First Appearance: Alliance of Awesomeness #1
Background: Shen An was born in the People's republic of China to a family that already had two children. She was abandoned by her parents and subsequently found by Priests of the Tiger Temple who had uncovered a prophecy that the Great Tiger Spirit itself had given a child to the world. Transported into the wilds of Yunnan, Shen An was raised in the Tiger Temple by the priests and taught the ways of the mystic Tiger Warrior. As she reached maturity, the Tiger Temple was betrayed to the Communist government, and was assaulted and destroyed. Shen An was told by the priests to flee and to fulfill her role as a great protector of the people. 

Shen An set herself up in Hong Kong, combating corrupt officials and the Triads who she saw as menaces to the people. Eventually she was caught and locked into a prison for reeducation to serve the People's Republic, but escaped with the help of Aphid when he recruited the Alliance of Awesomeness to halt the schemes of the terrorist criminal, Mothron. Since then she has remained an active member of the Alliance, fulfilling her role as the avatar of the Great Tiger Spirit, and slowly learning to play nicely with others. 

Height: 175cm
Weight: 76kg
Strength: Tiger Girl is possessed by the strength of the Great Tiger Spirit, and can easily lift (press) 500 kg.
Powers and abilities: Tiger Girl is possessed by the Great Tiger Spirit, which gives her superhuman agility, strength, senses and reflexes. She has trained in the martial arts of the Tiger Temple, and is a skilled warrior. At times of stress she can lose control of her bestial self and go into a battle rage, but is learning to control this aspect of herself.

CT stats:Tiger Girl's abilities are: Strength, Agility, Rage, Martial Arts
Move: 6", Close Combat: 2W and 1R + 1 reroll (+1 red dice during rage), Ranged combat: nil, Defence: 3W + 2 rerolls.

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