Monday, 25 February 2019

The Converter

Real Name: Jamie West
Membership: Alliance of Awesomeness
Relatives: none known
Place of Birth: Dallas, USA
Base of Operations: Ironhaven, USA
First Appearance: Alliance of Awesomeness #1
Background: Jamie West likes food. He held records in eating competitions throughout the Southern US as a teenager. At the age of 21 he was diagnosed with diabetes. The eating competitions had to stop, but Jamie was offered help by a dodgy looking character by the name of Dr Hawke. Hawke said that he would be able to cure Jamie's diabetes, butt hat his treatment was experimental and not authorised. Jamie, desperate to consume his beloved fast food, agreed to the trial. Dr Hawke took him to GR-1 laboratories and carried out a procedure involving injections and exposure to radiation. The treatment did indeed cure Jamie of his diabetes, but also changed his metabolism. Now Jamie could eat as much as he liked, but would have to release the energy he gained in waves of concussive force. This had been Dr Hawke's intention all along, and the next phase was to brainwash Jamie into becoming his weapon. Luckily for Jamie, before this could happen, Aphid showed up with Tiger Girl and Leather Lass  to stop Dr Hawke who they had been monitoring for weeks. They released Jamie who was able to help them with his powers.

Jamie became the fourth member of Aphid's alliance of superheroes. and it was he who changed the name to the Alliance of Awesomeness.
Jamie adopted the name 'the Converter', and a costume sponsored by a fast food chain, in return for an unlimited supply of hamburgers, which are his preferred way to 'power up' prior to going on a mission. 

Height: 185cm
Weight: 120kg
Strength: The Converter possesses the normal strength of a man his age and build who avoids exercise whenever possible..
Powers and abilities: The Converter has the ability to metabolise food in a way that converts it directly into energy that can be expelled from his body as concussive force. He is able to tap into his body's reserves of energy as well, so that even if he has not recently eaten, he can still expend energy. As such, he always makes sure to have a decent amount of fat to draw on. Reserve energy is not able to be expelled as efficiently as freshly ingested food, and as such, the Converter prefers to eat during missions (and he does really like to eat). 

The extent of Converter's powers has not truly been tested. On one occasion he was able to disintegrate a tank after eating 5 hamburgers in a row. Another time, with no available food he was able to fight in continuous combat for half an hour, although at the end of this he had lost a considerable amount of weight. It was also notable that the blasts he used were quite weak. 

CT stats: The Converter's abilities are: Ranged long, Power Blast, Boost
Move: 6", Close Combat: 3W (weak), Ranged combat: 4W (5W with boost) @12", Defence: 3W (weak).

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